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Visiting SSIS

Throughout the school year, we welcome the opportunity to host post-secondary institution visits from around the world. This is a great chance for the representatives to speak to our students and parents about general admissions and programs/majors; and to answer any questions.

Visits are typically scheduled for 1-hour from September-November and February-May, and held during the following days and time:

  • Monday–Thursday: 11:40am – 12:40pm

Be Part of Our Visiting Speaker Series

If representatives would like to highlight a special topic of interest about their post-secondary institution, please inform the College Counselling office when scheduling your visit as this often draws a larger audience.

An additional 10-15 minutes will be allotted for the Speaker Series topic of your choice before the general admissions presentation. Past presentations have included: “An introduction to social entrepreneurship;” “How to use school visits to tailor your final school list and choose your fit school;” “Internship and career placement;” “Strengths-based leadership;” “Tips for preparing your portfolio/audition;” “Life as an international university student in [CITY/COUNTRY].”

For further information, contact our College Counseling office.


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