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At SSIS we believe that sports play a key role in developing balanced students. This is why we place a strong focus on our sports program, encouraging all students to participate in the team sports we offer. Our school has fantastic sports facilities that include four indoor basketball courts, three all-purpose soccer fields, a competition-sized swimming pool, an athletic track, tennis courts and multiple indoor spaces for fitness and dance. After school you can usually find our students practicing their jump shots in the gym, perfecting their backstroke in the pool or trying to outrun each other on the track. We are proud of our Sports program, that provides so many of our students the opportunity to participate in a variety of sports across the year.

Our school has fantastic sports facilities that include four indoor basketball courts, three all-purpose soccer fields, a competition sized swimming pool, an athletic track, tennis courts and multiple indoor spaces for fitness and dance.


Swimming Team

Basketball Boys

Basketball Girls

Volleyball Boys

Volleyball Girls

Soccer Boys

Soccer Girls

Cross Country


Track and Field


Sports schedules

Our athletes not only compete with local schools and community teams but also have the opportunity to participate in varsity sports events hosted by various associations and leagues.

We are proud to be members of esteemed organizations such as the Shanghai Swim League, ACAMIS (Association of China and Mongolia International Schools), SISAC (Shanghai International Schools Athletic Conference), and CISSA (China International Schools Sports Association). 







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ACAMIS Track and Field

SSIS was proud to host the successful ACAMIS Track and Field event on May 5/6. We welcomed a total of 9 schools and over 200 athletes from Macao, Xiamen, Qingdao, Beijing, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Wuxi and Suzhou.

Full Story about ACAMIS Track and Field
Basketball is Back!!

After three years of disrupted seasons SSIS is very pleased to host the ACAMIS Basketball event on February 23-25. Six boys and Six Girls teams will compete for the Championships.

Full Story about Basketball is Back!!

The SSIS swim team were very happy to join the Shanghai Swim League Round 3 event which took place in Nanjing International School on the weekend of Feb 11 and 12.

Full Story about SPORT IS BACK!!

SSIS Athletics

Students have opportunities to participate in both competitive and/or non-competitive sporting events within the school and externally.