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Student centered


SSIS offers a safe learning environment for children and adults, where children feel free to question their learning, and are encouraged to challenge their surroundings. Students are involved in all areas of school life beyond the classroom. We understand and value the trust that you place in us when you choose SSIS for your child. 



Strong partnership with parents

SSIS encourages parent’s participation and collaborative engagement with teachers and administration in support of educating children. We have an active Parent School Partnership (PSP), an inclusive, parent-led group, that works collaboratively with teachers and school leadership.



Rigorous and holistic


As an academic institution, we believe that students should be challenged and successful at the appropriate level. Our academic programs, within the framework of the International Baccalaureate Organization's Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the I.B Diploma, allow for our students to be able to tackle the challenges of a rigorous curriculum while being involved in various non-academic programs focused around service, athletics and the Arts.  

Our legacy, making a difference in the world

SSIS works to extend our influence beyond the campus gates. Students serve the community, both locally and internationally, through a multitude of service groups. These groups support the environment, elderly, ill, education, and animal welfare.

Outstanding, dedicated, professional staff

SSIS attracts teachers of the highest caliber, many with advanced degrees who continue yearly to grow in their professional learning. Our faculty is comprised of over 150 dedicated professionals from over 20 countries, each bringing their own unique perspective on teaching and learning.   At the core, our faculty and staff are student-centered, focused on the academic success and personal wellbeing of children.

A truly international community

SSIS has over 50 different nationalities in our student body, representing diverse cultural origins and identities. Our international community provides the personal rigour to adapt to the new, the principles to collaborate across differences with compassion, and the open-mindedness to appreciate different ideas, perspectives and values.